Monty Python’s Advice for Life

I have revelled in three restful weeks  by not letting myself be drawn into any problems at all.What a relief! 

It is true that my husband contracted a mild dose of Omicron and so that, from that point of view, I would have expected to feel anxious and upset. I did not. Instead, I took a short break from work, enjoyed the practical tasks of prettying up our house for sale and dreaming new dreams for the future. My sons reported some wonderful new things happening in their worlds. A dear friend I had not seen for three years visited as soon as we came out of isolation. Everything felt good.

On the other hand, I had people ask me to commiserate over their apparently intractable problems (for which they already know the answers) or checking on my own situation in the clear expectation that any moment I would be struck down by the death-dealing disease.  In short, these people were not heeding Monty Python’s advice to look on the bright side of life. The energy of pessimism with its various flavours of fear was thick in the collective psyche and it gradually started to get me down. This irritated me no end, and I had to fight to extricate myself from doom and gloom.

So why is it that these diametrically opposed perspectives occur?  Why can one person feel good about their lives in the midst of drama, while another caves into discomfort?  The answer basically comes down to what choices a person decides to make. Are you deciding to focus on what is good in life, do you look for the silver lining in dark clouds, or do you let yourself spend your life energy on stuff that is temporary, relatively trivial, or beyond your immediate control?

Of course, as a spiritually aware person, you know what you ‘should’ do, but the truth is that mass conscious anxiety can be overwhelming.  If you find yourself in that position, we recommend that you begin your ‘recovery’ from the current addiction to gloom, by starting all your inner work to adjust a difficulty you are experiencing by using any of those techniques that direct your focus and energy away from negativity and into gratitude, the relief of stress, or into any activity or perspective that helps you to connect to the love and hope for the future.  There is plenty of that around if you open your eyes and heart to it.

If you are a member of the Reach Potential site, the Silver membership visualisation “Disconnecting from Mass Conscious Negativity”. is very good.  I personally find that the "Log Cabin" gives me a better night’s sleep when I have no conscious control of what energy I am taking on board.  You can also find an excellent stress relief visualisation on our Free course here

Copyright 2022 Siramarti Publishing Pty Ltd

Author: Suzie St George

Photo credit: jvalley678@pixabay