Give Yourself a Break! Try a Little Self-Acceptance Magic

However, this drive forwards can be exhausting and frustrating. When the frustrations of growth occur, you can get stuck in the push, making matters even worse. This is when you need to regain balance and peace by turning to the magical effects of self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance is often equated with resignation to one’s limitations. It is rarely understood as a willingness to fully embrace one’s Love and Light. However, to be self-accepting is not being resigned things are as they are and cannot be changed, nor is it an avoidance of taking responsibility for expanding those soul powers that are your talents, your Light and your heart’s love. 

Therefore, self-acceptance is neither resignation nor is it an avoidance of power. Self-acceptance is a gentle and calm response to inner challenges that allows a person to let go, to relax into the current state of a limitation with the sure knowledge that this limitation can and will end, or that another way forward will present itself.  It can break the denial of uncomfortable emotion so that ease, healing, and personal growth can flourish. It is a mighty form of self-love and self-trust. 

To bring in the magic of self-acceptance is to allow the higher self’s support of where you are going to take you forward without your knowledge of how that happens. You can relax, accept that you are enough, that you have the resources, strength, and spiritual support to continue. It gives you respite from the push, unplugs you from the demands of self-growth so that you can be at peace with yourself for a while.

The grand magic of self-acceptance carries you over wearisome limitations and around the potholes in the road to self-empowerment. These potholes are points in the self that are not yet filled in by new understanding, competences, or emotional resilience. 

However, this state of mind is very hard to generate consciously. It arises from the unconscious mind where the higher self’s wisdom rests. Most people reaching one of these potholes try to overcome them consciously by trying to fill them in with mental processing or by working harder. However, because these do not yield results self-punishment sets in, or alternatively denial or obsession. This is why using the Siramarti visualisation The Tent of Self-Acceptance, which moves you into the calm relief of Higher Self wisdom, is so healing and powerful.

You can find it in an extended version of this article in the Reach Potential Store. Enjoy your break!

Copyright 2021 Siramarti Publishing

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