Experiencing Your Soul’s Beauty

You might now be sensing that there is still something missing in your life, that some deep reservoir of love has not yet been found.

This is the moment when the interest in self-growth turns to a search for the beauty of your unique soul. What is at the core of your being; what touches your heart with gratitude, wonder, love, and joy in life. To see beauty is to be open to seeing its unique ability to open the heart, to see things afresh, to know what is ageless, to be in touch with truth and purity and the essence of even that which is defined as ugly.

This search is, of course, spiritual but there are practical benefits to focusing on beauty. Acknowledging the beauty inside you, in nature and in others increases productivity, strengthens your relationship skills, and magnetises success of all kinds. It moves your consciousness from darkness to Light, and with that your reality changes.

Finding Your Own Soul’s Beauty

The beauty you see in others, in nature and in works of art are all expressions of soul energy. But it is hard to sense the beauty of your own because we are so often educated to believe that human beings are fundamentally deficient. Or, you cannot sense it because your awareness of your spiritual grandeur has been dimmed by daily frustrations, experiences of abuse, or by trying to conform to others’ views and expectations; you look in the mirror and see only your deficiencies that must be masked or managed. Your brain is set to look for imperfection rather than turning to what is beautiful.

Therefore, to help find the path to your unique soul’s beauty, we have devised a series of explorations to uncover what it is to you, and to sense it.

While, there are many avenues for understanding soul beauty, they do not necessarily give you a felt sense of its unique and complex nature. Therefore, we have also provided a lovely, heart-touching visualisation to assist you to feel its energy. This visualisation opens you to an energetic connection to the wonder, beauty, and power that is at the centre of who you truly are. This energetic connection will allow your apprecation of that beauty to integrate itself into a deeper knowing of who you are, and what your special form of beauty is.

Discover it now in the website Store under the title: Experiencing Your Soul's Beauty.

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Photo credit: Gerd Altmann @ pixabay