How to Find the Light, Love and Power Within the Darkness

it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

So wrote Charles Dickens in his classic story of the French Revolution, A Tale of Two Cities.

The human world has undergone many revolutions over the millennia, and Dickens’ words would probably resonate with people living through any and all of them. The current season of Darkness is bringing with it extreme pain and discomfort as radical change rocks the foundations of people’s lives and the very Earth we stand upon. Too many people are suffering loss, fear, panic, and often hopelessness.

However, like all periods of revolution and evolution, it is also a most magnificent time when the power and love hidden within darkness has the potential to catapult us forward into miraculous transformations that can remake our personal lives as well as the future of the planet.

So how does this occur?

The human spirit has a deep yearning for Love, for finding greater well-being in life. The darker the situation, the stronger this yearning grows. For every one who is suffering, so there are hundreds ready to pour love into these situations through action, prayer and healing.

But when faced with those moment of darkness in our personal lives, we often do not know which way to turn: how to find the self-love or practical love for others that is needed.

Nevertheless, if you can catch hold of the tiny but powerful Light of your inner wisdom, it will always illuminate a path of hope and truth through the darkness frightens you. It offers heart-felt relief and great possibilities for you to grow, strengthen and find the freedom and peace you seek.

This is also a wonderful time for love and support of others. Your willingness to radiate Love into the pain can truly help this torn and grieving world. *

If you need practical strategies to find your Light and radiate the Love into this darkness …

  • Activate your best ways to relax daily. Relaxation not only calms and brings health-giving balance to the body; it also opens the mind to creative possibilities.
  • Stretch your mind to look for the possibility of good coming out of these difficulties in the long run.
  • Let go of self-punishing stories.
  • Give up blame.
  • Give up shame.
  • Immerse yourself in gratitude for what is good in your life.
  • Pull away from those influences that feed your fear or powerlessness.
  • Join with others who hold Love, Light and wisdom.
  • Seek and act upon your higher self’s guidance and support. (See Freebies/Useful PDFs)for a free visualisation to connect with the comfort of holding the hand of your higher self. Or if you are a Reach Potential Member practise those visualisations that relate to the higher self in your membership library.)

*See our weekly Light Healing Group on Facebook.

Photo credit: Tomasz Pro @ pixabay

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