Developing Your Grand Power as a Light Healer

Light Healing is the ability to promote improvement in any situation – whether that be a person, nature, animals or social problem - through changing the energetics that are creating disturbance. We are passionate about this because the world needs as many healers as it can get at this time.

Although human beings appear as flesh and blood at base, we are expressions of unique configurations of soul energy. All our thoughts, feelings and physical being are created from this energy and every moment of our lives we radiate that energetic uniqueness to others. In short, everyone affects the world energetically whether we intend it or not.

When a person chooses to assist others, they harness aspects of this soul energy for the purpose of creating greater well-being (love). The person who wants to create a delightful meal is doing that. However, even the smallest thought of appreciation, of love, of any desire to assist in any way also utilises that energy.

Those who call themselves Light Healers are consciously offering a gift of uplifting or supportive energy to the other who can then absorb that – or choose to deflect it because each of us has the choice to receive a gift or not.

However, it is the quality of the energy we send in conscious Light Healing that determines how powerful it can be. Sending healing love is greatly strengthened by applying the necessary conditions and skills to become a powerful light healer.

These are:

  1. Coming from the heart: You must have a genuine desire to bring well-being to the focus of your healing. A Light Healer must have an authentic connection to that which they wish to heal.
  2. Centredness: The more centred your energy is, the more powerfully you can harness healing energy because it is in our centre that our greatest powers reside.
  3. Emotional cleanliness: Knowing how to relieve counter-productive energies counter-productive to healing, such as anxiety, stress or anger is essential for powerful Light Healing.
  4. Talent and personality strength: Your healing ability is most strong in those areas where you have natural personality capacities.
  5. Experience: Specialist experience in the arena of healing makes harnessing healing energy easier.
  6. Whole self balance: The more balanced your whole self energy is, the stronger your healing can be. It is a speciality of the Siramarti Process to create inner balance.
  7. Freedom from ego: Your healing is ineffective if it is affected by unconscious negative ego factors or hidden agendas such as a desire to control, to make yourself feel superior, or to dominate someone who is stronger than you.

We hold free instructions for world healings relevant to the week from our Facebook group which anyone can join.

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